Debt Consolidation Loan

Have some large credit card balances or some other consumer debt? Don’t let it hold you back. Take control of your debt with a debt consolidation loan. Enjoy as little as one monthly payment at an affordable rate, a debt consolidation loan can give you some breathing room while simplifying your finances.
Affordable Payments
Feel secure with the same fixed payment each month – no surprises – unlike credit cards with revolving variable interest and payments.
Save Money
Say goodbye to high-interest credit cards and other debt. A consolidation loan typically has a lower APR than most credit cards.
More Control
With a fixed term, you’ll know exactly when your debt will be paid off. Plus, there’s no annual fee, and no prepayment penalty fee.
Competitive, Fixed Rates
Get the cash you need. No collateral is required.

Consolidating Debt is as Easy as 1-2-3
Total Your Debts
Total your debts to see how much you need.
Apply Online
Our easy online loan application is simple, secure, and fast!
Once approved, enjoy your monthly fixed rate — no surprises.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is debt consolidation?
Debt consolidation is the process of combining several debts into one monthly bill on a monthly payoff plan.
How does a debt consolidation loan work?
When you consolidate your debt, you’ll get one loan that pays off all of your current debts. You’ll then simply pay on the debt consolidation loan, usually at a lower rate and more favorable term than what you were paying before.
Why should I consider a debt consolidation loan?
With less money going toward high fluctuating interest rates, such as with credit cards, a debt consolidation can help you pay off your debt quicker with a more affordable payment.
Why Arkansas Federal to consolidate my debt?
We’ll take the time to ask questions, listen and find the right loan to help consolidate your debt that works for you. Our loans typically feature fixed interest rates, specific terms, and fixed monthly payments. This way, you’ll know exactly what to expect—no surprises.