National Insurance Awareness Day: A Good Day to Review Your Coverage

Most people think of insurance only when it’s time to pay the premiums. But without it, we’re a storm or an accident away from losing a valuable investment like a home or a car.
Insurance is an essential component to our financial lives. Traced as far back as 3000 B.C., insurance remains as important now as it was to the Chinese merchants credited with introducing it. Not having it when you need it, just like experiencing a flat tire with no spare, can stop us in our tracks.
On Friday, however, insurance steps into the spotlight. June 28 is National Insurance Awareness Day, and Americans are encouraged to take stock of their own insurance coverage and needs.
Just like that spare tire, Arkansas Federal Insurance Solutions plays an important if sometimes forgotten role in members’ financial lives. A division of Arkansas Federal Credit Union, AFIS is a full-service agency offering insurance products and services covering auto, home, life and business. As an independent agency, we can shop a multitude of national carriers on your behalf.
And National Insurance Awareness Day is a perfect time to let us provide a free assessment of your insurance needs. We’ll review your coverage and advise on the next step, even if it means going elsewhere or cutting back on coverage. After all, our mission is to be the difference in the financial lives of the members we serve.
Those ancient merchants recognized the importance of protecting the things that matter, and the dedicated staff at Arkansas Federal Insurance Solutions can make sure your important things are properly protected. Membership is open to all Arkansas residents, so what are you waiting for? Get started on your own personalized, insurance check-up.
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